Living Outside
Everyday Cyberpunk Adventures From The Not-Too-Distant Future

>> Go To Episode 01: Joy Ride <<
Now on Kindle!

Living Outside is now available as an eBook on Amazon. It will continue to be available on this website, but if you like it, please send me a bit of your money. It's cheap!


A Quick Introduction

Living Outside is a work of hard science fiction. It is my attempt to envision the future of technology and how it will transform culture. I tried to make it as fun and realistic as possible. Its focus is on virtual and augmented reality, and how these technologies might be integrated into everyday life. It is set in a time when virtual reality has matured to the point where it is indistinguishable from physical reality in almost all respects, at least for those with the proper equipment. It explores the rich possibilities of fully immersive, player-created game worlds and simulated social spaces, and the exciting new horizons they present. I hope you enjoy it.

All feedback is welcome.

Notes And Resources